History is a subject pointing out important dates in the affairs of man and society. The center of history is the average man who does something spectacular worth remembering.
Man carves time with events in his search for a triumph such as winning in battles and creating something useful to remember. Studying our planet, life, and creations teach us the value of courage and faith to discover - that- which would carry nations to progress.
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History Time
A. Nearer Time
(A.D./1900 onwards)
1. 1946 General Assembly of United Nations opens in New York (Oct.23)
2. 1956 Krushchev denounces Stalin. Col. Nasser elected president of Egypt (June 24). Nationalization of Suez Canal Company (July 26). Israel invades Egypt (Oct 28). Anglo-French Suez Expedition (Oct 31). Russian forces enter Budapest to crush Hungarian uprising (Oct 4).
3. 1957 European Common Market Treaty signed (Mar 25). First satellite launched by Russia (Oct 4).
4. 1960 Belgian Congo gains independence. M. Tshombe declares independence of break-away Katanga. Cyprus becomes independent republic. Federation of Nigeria gains independence. John Kenny elected president of USA
5. 1961 Yuri Gagarin (U.S.S.R) becomes first man in space (Apr 12). South Africa becomes a republic and leaves the British Commonwealth.
6. 1964 U.S. Civil Rights Bill enacted (July 2).
7. 1975 End of Vietnam War (April). Death of General Franco (Nov 20).
8. 1976 Death of Mao Tse-tung (Sept 9).
9. 1979 Overthrow of Shah of Iran (Jan).Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran (Feb 1). Peace treaty between Israel and Egypt (Mar 26). Margaret Thatcher becomes first woman Prime Minister of Britain (May 4). First direct elections to European Parliament (June 7). Iranian students occupy US Embassy in Tehran (Nov 4), Russian forces move into Afghanistan (Dec 27).
10. 1981 US hostages freed from Iran (Jan 20). Launch of Social Democratic Party in Britain (Jan 25). President Sadat assassinated (Oct 6). Martial law imposed in Poland (Dec 19).
B. Farther Time
1200 Code of Hammurabi
1200 The Hebrews under Joshua enter their 'Promised Land'.
1193-1184 The Greeks at war with the Trojans
960 Solomon builds a temple to Jehovah at Jerusalem
488 Buddha dies
356 Birth of Alexander the Great
149 Third Punic War
59 Ceasar becomes Consul
42 Battle of Philippi; defeat and death of Brutus
47 Augustus restores republic of Rome
4 True date of birth of Jesus Christ
Philosophy Time
A. Words to learn in Philosophy
Topic: Martin Heidegger (1889 -1976) German Philosopher
1. being entity, individuals life, existence; the present participle of BE;
Being considers beauty and truth as platonic archetypes. "To worship GOD as the Supreme Being." "Dasein" in Martin Heidegger's work "Being and Time." "Moments of Being" a collection/written essays of Virginia Woolf, and later was produced into a movie.
Being considers beauty and truth as platonic archetypes. "To worship GOD as the Supreme Being." "Dasein" in Martin Heidegger's work "Being and Time." "Moments of Being" a collection/written essays of Virginia Woolf, and later was produced into a movie.
2. philosopher a person who studies Philosophy a great deal
"To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found school, but to love wisdom, as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust." (Thoreau)
3. existence life, being, "Dasein", presence
4. Philosophy broad general principles of a particular subject, a field of activity, the philosophy of Plato
5. ontological deals with what is "real," pertains to the nature of reality
6. hegemony leadership, predominance, domination of one state over the other
7. cosmology is the study of the general nature of the universe in space and time - what it is now, what it was in the past, and what it is likely to be in the future (Scientific American)
8. humanism the study of humanity, pertaining to human interests and values
9. analysis breaking down into elements, detailed, whole into parts
10. subjective pertains about thoughts and feeling of a person; Opinions are subjective. Opposite of objective. Art is most of the time subjective.
Happy learning.